
Data TRIKE was created in the class “Digital Humanities Methods and Practices” (MALS 75500) at the Graduate Center, CUNY, in Spring 2019. This project is a prototype demonstrating one way of presenting data transformations, along with explanations of how and why they were done.  The team that worked on it (in alphabetical order):

  • Nancy Foasberg

  • Rob Garfield

  • Hannah House

  • Natasha Ochshorn

  • Sabina Pringle

Data TRIKE will officially sunset in May 2019.  No new content will be added to the site, and these pages will no longer be maintained. However, we are collecting feedback through the end of the Fall 2019 semester through our feedback page and at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in Data TRIKE! We hope that this project will inspire many new projects about working with data.